'Living Water' Week 2: June 19-23
Thursday, June 22nd
9:30-11:00AM - Rising Seventh Graders through Rising College Freshman
Breakfast Blowout: Come to the Youth Cottage kitchen for an all you can eat selection of eggs, bacaon, pancakes, and more. Bring your appetite and pancake flipping skills.
7:30-9:30 PM -
Bible Study: Meet at the Youth Cottage and dive into God's word for Bible study! Join and talk about God's plan for your life and how He can set you free to live it with boldness and freedom. A sweet treat at Surf City Scoop is in store afterwards.
Friday, June 23rd
9:00-10:30AM - Ages 6-12
Vacation Bible School: Join EAMC the Youth Cottage for games, crafts, and learning about God's grace!
7:00-9:00PM - Rising Seventh Graders through Rising College Freshman:
Cookout with the Cox's & Uzzel's: Meet at 1032 Carolina Blvd for dinner and fellowship to enjoy food, games, and swimming in the sound. Don't forget to wear a bathingsuit and bring a towel!
Sunday, June 25th
Worship at 8AM & 10AM (nursery provided at both services)
There will be Sunday Schools for kindergarteners through rising 6th graders in the Fellowship House from 8:50-9:45.